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Fatigue is like a Sleeping Garden - Go From Exhausted To Exhilarated ™

Fatigue is like a Sleeping Garden

by | Oct 25, 2021 | Let's talk about Fatigue

Is “Your Internal “Garden Sleeping


As I finished up my morning chores taking a few minutes to look around and take in the beauty of the morning, my eyes came to rest on the shrouds of frost -covers I had placed over my sleeping garden.

I likened the frost covers to the fatigue and lack of motivation many women feel, feeling like heavy shrouds.


The nights had become a bit cool and we had a frost warning out.


In preparation, I had lovingly covered the tender plants that have so generously been providing for my family over these past summer months.


I just wasn’t ready to give up on this green goodness, nor was I quite ready to embrace the shift of the season into the cold arctic air that will soon flow our way.


This coldness soon to lead to the winter demise of my precious garden. It felt heavy, leaving me with a sense of fatigue and low energy in my spirit.

I wasn’t ready to give up.


As I surveyed the frost covers, I felt an impression on my consciousness of the Bible story of Lazarus.

If you recall, Jesus was met by Mary on his return from praying in the garden. She was distraught for her dear brother Lazarus, as he had died.

Remembering the story…Lazarus was only sleeping.


Just like Lazarus, my precious garden is only sleeping. In the early throes of Spring.


The sun will warm the earth and breathe life back into nature.


The life sustaining goodness of green will wake from its slumber and as I nurture and feed the green, it will thrive and prosper.


Just like the women that feel shrouded in fatigue and lack of motivation, the shrouds of frost can be thrown off and the sleeping garden will thrive again.


The impression upon me was strong, that we are much like Lazarus and my precious garden.


When we feel this loss of energy and we are only sleeping…


As a matter of fact, the stresses of life:

  • the choices we make and don’t make
  • what we choose to nourish our bodies with
  • How we choose to satisfy our souls with
  • including, choosing to ignore our health


Will impact our energy.


Additionally, the choices we make will impact our personal productivity, because we lack motivation.


It doesn’t leave much left-over for personal relationships either.

  • Making it difficult to keep promises to others
  • Low libido and interest in our marriage
  • Having fun and enjoying our kids
  • Actively, spending time with friends


Moreover, as we succumb to the effects of poor lifestyle choices, surrounding ourselves with a negative life-reel playing over and over in our thoughts…


  • We’ll begin to feel more “limp”, lacking energy, feeling more fatigued and losing our sense of vitality.


Our body’s eco-system will feel like a sleeping garden, shrouded in cold frost.


  • As things progress, we can lose our ability to handle day-to-day stress, losing patience with those we love and losing confidence in our own abilities.


  • What is more, the end result of a poorly “tended garden” is more fatigue, lack of motivation and dreading the days ahead.


  • The outcome of poor lifestyle choices can lead to losing our ability to handle day-to-day stress, but it’s not too late to recover it.


Are you feeling like a sleeping garden?


Are you like Lazarus or my precious garden… just sleeping?


There’s so much hope!


You’re only sleeping!


Just like my sleeping garden, you are precious!


You can throw of the “shrouds of frost”, be nourished and “sprout up” again.


As you become nourished and your needs gently tended too, you can revive and thrive.

The fatigue you feel from a long winter of stress and lack of attention to your body at its very roots can be changed


Find out more about how stress can impact your “sleeping garden”, grab my guide Have more E.N.E.R.G.Y 


Working with a Functional Nutrition professional can help you identify “healing opportunities”, which present when “Hidden-dysfunctions”  are identified.

Let’s get to know each other better. Find out why I want to help you find your E.N.E.R.G.Y Solution







Enjoy some links to Nerdy Science articles:


The information in this article is provided for educational, inspirational and self-empowerment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is the personal opinion and experience of the writer. Please see your medical professional for specific advice and medical needs.






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