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Why Do You Get Sick So Often and Feel Crappy? - Go From Exhausted To Exhilarated ™

Why Do You Get Sick So Often and Feel Crappy?

by | Mar 31, 2022 | The Natural and Holistic Health Journal

Why do you get sick so often and feel crappy?


Getting Sick always seems to happen when you’re getting ready for a BIG day that you’ve been looking forward to for weeks and it’s just plain crappy.


BOOM! You wake up with dry-itchy eyes, feeling like you never slept a wink but you just shake it off, because you don’t want to miss out on girls’ night out this time.


However, when you sit down on your throne for that rare quiet moment away from the kids, while their arguing over what’s in their lunch box, your tummy taps you on the shoulder as if to say, “Yep, you’re not going to make to the girls’ night out again”.


Ugh! You just want to know, “Why do I get sick so often”?


Why do you get sick so often? It’s crappy.


I know the more you try to convince yourself that you’re not getting sick again, the louder your body yells at you.  “This is crappy”!


Finally, it’s time to holler at your best-friend. You know she’s gonna answer the phone with a groan, saying “Why do you get sick so Often?” “This is Crappy”


You’ll laugh at her, because you’re trying not to cry.

Then brush it off and spend the evening with a glass of wine and some forbidden fruit: “aka” candy-bars.


We all have a secret stash, just saying it isn’t really a secret.


Guess what that leads too? Yep! More crappy!


Hello Throne…


Let me ask you a few questions:


  • How many times has this movie hit the replay button in your life?
  • How many times have you missed out, because you get sick so often?


Do you want me to be totally boring here?


I could list at least 6-reasons why you get sick so often. I could add the old “what to do about it” line too.


You know, like all the boring medical blogs do?


Or do you want me to just cut to the chase, being brutally honest and tell you the truth?


Not everyone wants to hear the truth, but I think you are so tired of this constant “groundhog’s day” movie, that you’re ready for some truth.


It’s simple-really and a little crappy


Are you ready?


I’ll whisper it, because you’re likely to be annoyed and brush me off, but hey it’s your truth, so when you’re ready to hear it, you will.


It comes down to one simple little word “Stress”


Yep, I said it and I am pretty sure I know what you’re thinking.


Your probably laughing, saying that everybody has stress in their life.


No-one is exempt from stress and not everyone gets sick all the time.


You know what? You are right, absolutely correct! So, why do you get sick so often you’re still wondering?


I’m trying not to be boring, because I know how tired you are.


  • Tired of being tired!
  • Tired of getting sick so often and feeling crappy-really!


I could sit down and show you all the charts on your hormone-system, especially how Cortisol works in your body.


I am really good at using the term HPA axis stress response system, (basically your fight or flight response)


Or to make it really easy to understand…


You remember that time that your precious little treasure, reached up to touch a hot stove burner?


You were faster than greased lightening”, pushing that little chubby hand out of the “danger zone”. Oh my, I hear a song coming on, I digress…


Hey what about that time that your other little treasure was riding his tricycle down the driving way.


Remember, he started to go faster and then there was this car coming?


Out of nowhere, I mean nowhere “Flash Gordon” appeared, scooping up your treasure, carrying him to safety.


Oh wait, that wasn’t The Flash. That was you!


I think you might get the picture now about how stress drives the Cortisol response, however I bet your still confused about why your still sick so often.

I don’t blame you, it’s simple, but extremely complex.


I think I will shorten the story a bit, because I can picture you getting restless, like when you tell that little treasure with the chubby hands to be still while you comb her hair.


So here it goes, boring, truthful, scientific, but all wrapped up in a nutshell.


Can you do that? Wrap something up in a nutshell I mean?


I think I’ve seen this in a craft-blog somewhere.

If it, was you, put the link in the comments please? I want to try that out.


Oh yea, you wanted to hear the boring stuff. Well, it’s like this…


When you are constantly experiencing stress, (like we talked about above), it can eventually affect your body’s immune system.


You know, those little soldiers in the body that come to the rescue when you’re exposed to something not-so-nice?

  • It could be stress that shows up from not-so-great nutrition.


We all want to eat well, but life gets in the way.


A lot!

And sometimes we simply don’t know how chemicals in foods can cause stress in the body.


  • Stressors can come in the format of weird and sometimes harmful bacteria you picked up from touching, well anything really.
  • That bacteria could come from food, water, pets, little treasures, because it’s everywhere.
  • That weird bacteria can show up in your gut leading to more of getting sick and feeling crappy so often, kinda feeling.

Wanna know more about how the gut is impacted by stress?


You can do that HERE


The impact of chronic-stress can also show up from previous health problems or physical injuries.


I’ve got some pretty good stories about how I got sick often and felt crappy…


Remember, that time I turned around and stepped off the top step of the porch and… Oh wait, sorry we’re just getting know each other. I’ll tell you about that dumb accident another time.


But I am sure you get the picture.

Maybe I should tell you about the time I fell asleep in the bathtub and woke up the next morning with tonsillitis. I was 8 and had played so hard that day at a brownie play-day….


Can you say physical stress?


Back to you…


We can’t forget how crazy stressed-out we get when, well you know, that certain relative that shall remain nameless, tells us she is coming to stay for a week.


Or every time we have to have that budget conversation with the hubs. (Maybe that’s just me)


I am really just hinting here at how we respond to emotional stress.


Here’s why you get sick so often


Yep, here’s the deal…. Finally, I know right?!


We all have these kinds of stress, but when they build upon each other, day in and day out, they can really pile up in the body. (Just like that “crappy” feeling)


It only takes one match to start a fire (unless your me, trying to start a campfire).


What I’m saying is, when you have this big ole bonfire of stress…


All built up over time…


It just takes one match to trigger the whole kit-and-caboodle going up into flames!


In our body this bonfire of stress can lead to ALL kinds of symptoms and problems, lowering our immunes system when we get stressed, thus leading to getting sick more often and feeling crappy!



Whew, I finally got it out!


What’s that got to do with the girls’ night out thingy and getting sick often you ask? I am so glad you did, because I have been wanting to tell you….


Your thoughts also cause you stress, and they pile on top of that bonfire.


Even when you get excited, because that’s still a kind of stress (Eustress they call it).


Leading up to the big night out…

  • Were you worried about whether the kids could survive a few hours without you?
  •  Was your hubby unhappy about winging it with the kids?
  • Were you trying to have everything perfect before you let yourself indulge in some serious fun and laughter?


Hmm… can you be serious and laugh?


The point is if you already have a bonfire going on inside, what match did you light to set it off?


I encourage you to reflect on what your thoughts might have been leading up to your big day.


Maybe journal about it or talk it out with a friend.


Just get my “Have More E.N.E.R.G.Y guide 


Share it with your Friend too, because you know we all have stress we ignore, right?


If you really want to root out what’s at the bottom of that bonfire pile, then I would love to share with you how to get started.


I invite you to join me in the next Energy Solutions


Learn more about me and how I can help you have the energy you desire.


I’m great at rooting out some pretty interesting information when it comes to what’s going on in your body, my body, anybody’s body really. (Remember my Sherlock Holmes dressed dog?) Oh, maybe that was this post HERE.


Let’s chat again soon, I’d love to come over and chat more in your inbox, Grab my Free Guide “Have More E.N.E.R.G.Y” 






The information in this article is provided for educational, inspirational and self-empowerment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is the personal opinion and experience of the writer. Please see your medical professional for specific advice and medical needs.





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