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Should I Drink Coffee or Not? - Go From Exhausted To Exhilarated ™

Should I Drink Coffee or Not?

by | Feb 18, 2022 | The Natural and Holistic Health Journal

Is Coffee bad or is it Good?


The question we often ask ourselves, is “should I drink Coffee or not? The old “To Be or Not to Be” theatrics.

The advice we often read or the newest study some well-meaning friend shares with us, leaves us feeling more confused than enlightened.


Coffee is one of those things, you either love it or hate it.


Maybe you like the smell, but not the taste.


Could it be you drink coffee as an excuse to add some sweets? (In other words, is it just a reason to consume sugar and cream).


Some people experience an upset stomach when they drink coffee.

Is this you?  Or does it make your stomach feel acidic or heavy and funny?


It’s common for people to say that they can’t get through their day with several “cups of Joe” In other words, do you find that without it you struggle to focus and think straight, maybe even struggle to get through your day without it?


I’ve heard it said by many women that coffee is almost their first love and they couldn’t imagine a day without it?


The question still remains, should I drink coffee or perhaps is it time to find a coffee alternative?


There is actual science behind why different people react differently to coffee.


It is actually a matter of your genetics and how much coffee you’re used to drinking.


NOTE: Coffee does not equal caffeine.

Coffee contains between 50-400 mg of caffeine/cup, averaging around 100 mg/cup.


It is one of the most popular ways to consume this stimulant. However, a cup of coffee contains a lot of things over and above the caffeine. Not just water, but antioxidants, and hundreds of other compounds.


These antioxidants are one reason drinking a cup of coffee is not the same as taking a caffeine pill.


Did you know decaffeinated coffee, of course, has a lot less caffeine; but it still contains some.


Let’s look at caffeine metabolism


…Its effect on the mind and body, and whether coffee drinkers have higher or lower risks of disease.


I’ll give you some things to consider when deciding if coffee is for you or not.


Caffeine Metabolism


Not all people metabolize caffeine at the same speed. How fast you metabolize caffeine will impact how you’re affected by the caffeine.


In fact, caffeine metabolism can be up to 40x faster in some people than others.


About half of us are “slow” metabolizers of caffeine.


We can experience:

  • Jitters
  • heart palpitations
  • feel “wired” for up to 9-hours after having a coffee.


The other half are “fast” metabolizers of caffeine.


They get:

  • energy
  • increased alertness
  • return quickly back to a normal state in only a few hours.


This is part of the reason those headlines contradict each other so much – because we’re all different!


The effects of Coffee (and caffeine) on the mind and the body


Important note: Most studies look at caffeinated coffee, not decaf.


The effects of coffee (and caffeine) on the mind and body also differ between people;

  • This is partly from the metabolism I mentioned
  • But it also has to do with your body’s amazing ability to adapt (read: become more tolerant) to long-term caffeine use.


Many people who start drinking coffee feel the effects a lot more than people who have coffee every day.


Here’s a list of these effects (that usually decrease with long-term use) some good, some not so good, you decide to drink it or not…


  • Stimulates the brain
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Boosts energy and exercise performance
  • Increases your stress hormone cortisol, keeping your body in a heightened stress response
  • Dehydrates your cells


So, while some of these effects are good and some aren’t, you need to see how they affect you and decide if it’s worth it or not.


Coffee and health risks

There are a ton of studies on the health effects of coffee, and whether coffee drinkers are more or less likely to get certain conditions.


Here’s a quick summary of what coffee can lead to:

  • Caffeine addiction and withdrawal symptoms (e.g., a headache, fatigue, irritability)
  • Increased sleep disruption
  • Lower risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  • Lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes
  • Lower risk of certain liver diseases
  • Lower risk of death (“all-cause mortality”)
  • Mixed reviews on whether it lowers risks of cancer and heart-disease
  • Over stimulation of the adrenal and thyroid glands, leading to fatigue and endocrine dysfunctions.


Many of these health benefits exist even for decaf coffee (except the caffeine addiction and sleep-issues).


What’s super-important to note here is that coffee intake is just one of many, many factors that can affect your risks for these diseases. In other words, please never think regular coffee intake is the one thing that can help you overcome these risks.


You’re health-conscious:

  • You know that eating a nutrient-rich whole foods diet
  • Reducing stress
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Adequate exercise

These are all critical things to consider when thinking about your risk for disease.


It’s not just about the coffee.


Back to the main question: Should I drink coffee or not?


There are a few things to consider when deciding whether you should drink coffee.


No one food or drink will make or break your long-term health.


If coffee upsets your stomach or feels acidic, perhaps even contributing to acid reflux, you may have some dysfunctions that coffee aggravates, such as low-stomach acid or digestive concerns, such as “leaky gut”.


You could be intolerant to coffee as a food substance.


The coffee-beans often contains mold or mycotoxins.


Mold can collect on the beans in the storage facilities and the handling of the raw product. Moreover, if you are already immuno-compromised or have been exposed to mold and fungus, you may find yourself more intolerant to coffee.


If you think you experience food intolerance or you notice that your belly doesn’t feel “quite right” after consuming coffee or other foods, you may want to do some more reading on “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability.


Read this article “Health Begins in the Gut”



If you are feeling exhausted or burnt-out caffeine from coffee may seem like a perfect answer, however you should reconsider the over stimulation of cortisol you get. This approach won’t speed up recovery and could lead to more fatigue.


Here are a few more tidbits to consider, before drinking coffee


Caffeinated coffee is not recommended for:

  • People with arrhythmia (e.g. irregular heartbeat)
  • People who often feel anxious
  • People who have trouble sleeping
  • People who are pregnant
  • Children and
  • Teens
  • People who are burnt out (both physically and emotionally)


If none of these apply, then monitor how your body reacts when you have coffee.

Does it:

  • Give you the jitters?
  • Increase anxious feelings?
  • Affect your sleep?
  • Give you heart palpitations?
  • Affect your digestion (e.g., heartburn, etc.)?
  • Give you a reason to drink a lot of sugar and cream?


Depending on how your body reacts, decide whether these reactions are worth it to you. If you’re not sure, you might want to try eliminating it for a while and watch for any differences.


Coffee alternatives for that comforting feeling…


If you enjoy having a warm cup of something, but want to avoid the caffeine or if you use to enjoy coffee and find you can no longer tolerate it, consider one of the coffee alternatives on the market.


Many of them are chicory-root or roasted dandelion-root based and actually have some nutritive-qualities, as well as support the body’s detox-pathways.

They can be pretty tasty too.



Looking for more answers on a deeper level to whether you should drink coffee or not?


Working with a Functional Nutrition professional can help you identify “healing opportunities”, which present when “Hidden-dysfunctions”  are identified.

Having dysfunctional- issues at the roots in the body, can sometimes explain why you use to love to drink coffee, but now have issues tolerating it.

To find out more about stress leads to hidden dysfunctions, get my Have More E.N.E.R.G.Y Guide!

Let’s get to know each other better. Find out why I want to help you find your  E.N.E.R.G.Y Solutions





The information in this article is provided for educational, inspirational and self-empowerment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is the personal opinion and experience of the writer. Please see your medical professional for specific advice and medical needs.











1 Comment

  1. Jess

    Thank you for this Great information. I’ve been wondering why I can’t drink coffee anymore!


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