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Why Do I Have Brain Fog and Fatigue? - Go From Exhausted To Exhilarated ™

Why Do I Have Brain Fog and Fatigue?

by | Mar 20, 2022 | Let's talk about Fatigue

Why Do I Have Brain Fog and Fatigue?


If I only had a brain…


No really… is brain fog and fatigue making you feel like you don’t have a brain?


Or at least you can’t seem to find it?


You might experience a “thick head” or “heavy-head” on some mornings when you get up.


At the same time, you’re probably feeling tired like you wrestled a bear all night.


I actually bet you did.


It’s like when you couldn’t find the cell phone you lost. Later you realized it was still in your hand.  



Reality here… losing your cellphone is usually a result of common forgetfulness. ALL the things we are trying to get done during the day, can cause this symptom of overwhelm and lead to forgetfulness.


That’s a different conversation we need to have.


Brain fog is really no laughing matter.


Even though we often make jokes at our own expense, when we are experiencing it.


You know that feeling when you can’t think clearly or function efficiently, it can feel down-right scary.


Do you remember waking up, feeling like a heavy cloud has descended over your head and you can’t fight your way through to the sunshine on the other side?


My dad used to say that when he felt like that, he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper-bag. He had some good ones like that. If you have a few, share them in the comments to lighten up the fog.


Brain fog and fatigue can follow you around all day and every day.


  • It can also only happen occasionally.
  • Maybe you notice it when you’ve had less sleep.
  • Perhaps it hits you harder when you are feeling particularly stressed out.


Read my post on Why Do You Feel Sick so Often to find out about the different types of stress that can affect your body.


I used to notice it in the morning after I ate something the night before that I was intolerant too. (How did I know I struggled with that particular food? I didn’t until I became a Functional-Nutrition Professional)


You can read more about me HERE and why I am so passionate about helping you!


Don’t go running off too fast though…


If you are struggling with brain fog and fatigue, I want you to stick around a few more minutes and focus on a few key-factors that I know you should know about, so you will know about them. (That was fun)


Story time my friends… 

There was a time when I was so tired, I couldn’t get out of bed.

Yep, it’s really true.


I literally didn’t have the energy to lift my arm. I knew a lot about living in a natural environment, how to grow and use herbs and essential-oils and all things natural, because I had already started down the holistic-highway, with a stop off at Herbalism Boulevard and Health- Coaching Avenue.


However, I knew I was missing some details, on that particular morning for sure, but my brain fog was so thick, I couldn’t have found the answer if it was as clear as the nose on my face. Oh, wait it kind of was, but I couldn’t see that far at the time.


Right now, you might not be able to see that clearly either through your brain-fog


I knew about Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

I had been thinking about checking it out. So, guess what?  I signed up to work with an FDN-P (Functional- Diagnostic- Nutrition practitioner).

 And I:

  • Cleared up my brain- fog and a lot of other nagging little things too.
  • I stopped being so emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted,
  • I quit getting mad at my hubs when I felt annoyed.
  • I got back to my old-self and was able to hoist a bale of hay and lunge a horse again.
  • I lost those 20 pounds that had been chained to my belly forever.
  • I also learned how I could expand my education and help other women just like me and you do the same thing.


I know that brain fog and fatigue can have a lot of factors


 Here’s the bottom line; and I’m sure you’re ready for one, you can’t expect to walk into a clear- bright day, by just taking this for that, or treating the symptoms.

You have look at the very foundations of your body and recognize that a healthy brain and abundant energy starts deep in your cogs and gears (cells and body systems).



 Chasing Symptoms doesn’t work for very long


For example: If you decide to evaluate the foods you eat and discover one or more that might be triggering a brain fog reaction, it’s not enough just to remove that food, (I do recommend keeping a food journal)


You have to ask WHY? Why is it a trigger?


Never stop asking questions and looking for real answers!

That’s where thinking like a detective really comes into this conversation.

I loved Sherlock Holmes when I was a Kid. So much, that my mom made a little outfit for my stuffed dog that looked like him.

Why is that interesting here?


I love to follow the clues and find real solutions to the real problems my clients have.


I’m not talking about the solutions that involves, just take this for that.

I’m talking about rooting out hidden stressors in the body.

These stressors are dysfunctional-pathways (like hormones) and weird little microbes, or integrity issues in your fishbowl, basement or whatever analogy you want to use to describe your gut.


These ugly dysfunctional-buggers can cause: (my endearing terminology)

  • digestive issues
  • hormone imbalances
  • food intolerances
  • Can back up your pipes (your natural detoxification systems)

These are just a few of the hidden dysfunctions that you probably have going on.


What’s that have to do with brain-fog and fatigue you’re still asking?


These types of “secret and hidden” stressors can increase inflammation, systemically throughout the body and BINGO, you’ve got that heavy-brain and you can’t fight your way out of a wet paper-bag.


To get to the root of your brain fog, you should:

  • look deeper into your hormone pathways, which are influenced by a healthy gut
  • good sleep.


You should think about:

  • setting better boundaries around your time
  • the people and things that cause you extra stress.


Consider learning more about:

  • how food intolerances can lead to immune responses in your gut, that create systemic inflammation and leading right up to those brain neurons.

Food matters, but not every food is right for every person.

Someone like me!

Make the investment in yourself, so that you can see your future clearly, not through brain-fog.


Here’s the moment where I tell you to get my guide to Have More E.N.E.R.G.Y! 


It’s also the exact moment that you might want to stop chasing your tail, oh wait that’s my puppy.

It’s really the perfect time for you to find the Solution to your lack of Energy! Get on the Waiting list for my next  E.N.E.R.G.Y Solutions Coaching Program and get real solutions that last!

Really think about what you’ve tried that hasn’t worked and start thinking about going deeper and rooting out those ugly-dysfunctional little buggers hiding in your body.


Here’s to clear thinking!




The information in this article is provided for educational, inspirational and self-empowerment purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is the personal opinion and experience of the writer. Please see your medical professional for specific advice and medical needs.





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Ever feel like you’ve tried everything to improve your energy, but nothing works for very long?

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You’re stuck in the endless cycle of fatigue and overwhelm; treating symptoms…Symptoms aren’t usually related to the root causes, and can be downstream of the real problems.

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